1. Most singular nouns form the plural by adding -s.
Singular Plural
boat boats
house houses
cat cats
river rivers

A singular noun ending in s, x, z, ch, sh makes the plural by adding-es.

Singular Plural
bus buses
wish wishes
pitch pitches
box boxes

A singular noun ending in a consonant and then y makes the plural by dropping the y and adding-ies.

Singular Plural
penny pennies
spy spies
baby babies
city cities
daisy daisies


  1. Baby is slieeping.
  2. One day woman see a bus.
  3. Man loved a  woman.
  4. Child see a fish.
  5. Deer  get friend a fish.
  6. Der lov a  fish
  7. One day bebies a der.
  8. Women see hom.
  9. Children play football.
  10.  Every day I
    brush  teeth.

Irregular nouns

There are some irregular noun plurals. The most common ones are listed below.

Singular Plural
woman women
man men
child children
tooth teeth
foot feet
Singular Plural
sheep sheep
fish fish
deer deer
species species

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Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրատարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով